Hello fellow stampers! Do you like getting together with your FRIENDS? Do you like having FUN with your friends? Do you like FREE stuff? Do you know that there are many ways to be a hostess?
If you answered "yes" to any or all of these questions, read on, because I'm here to help you have a FUN get-together with FRIENDS while earning FREE stuff!
Stampin' Up! is having a contest today only (Oct. 12) for Demonstrators, and I have prizes for those who call or e-mail me TODAY with a firm date for their party. Prizes will vary depending on who calls first, second, etc., but everyone will receive some sort of prize from me. Pick a date and then invite your friends. Over-invite and you'll be sure to have enough friends that can attend on your chosen date. Schedule your party today to receive a prize. There are many ways to be a hostess (see below). I'm certain that one of these types of get-togethers will work for you and your friends!
I am looking for hostesses. Specifically:
I am looking for hostesses of catalog shows
I am looking Teachers to host 5-8 of their fellow teachers for a 30-45 minute After-School Special.
I am looking for Office Workers to host 5-8 of their friends for lunch break specials.
I am looking for car pool moms to host 5-8 of their friends at Tim Horton's, my place, etc., for Coffee Break Specials.
I am looking for hostesses of special interest groups like Red Hat Society, Civic Organizations, Women's ministries for presentations tailored to your specific needs.
I am looking for in-home hostesses - my home or yours - limited dates in November, several dates in January/February/March for Sale-A-Bration.
I am looking for hostesses of scrapbook classes, specialty technique classes and more.
Decide which of these types of events works best for you and your friends, and I will work with you to customize the length, the projects, the location.
Looking forward to helping you earn hostess benefits while enjoying time with family and friends.