$25 to join Stampin' Up! - YES, it's true! |
FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY - you can join my team for just $25
You'll get $26.95 in merchandise (your choice) and you're on your way!
October 7-21st.
This offer is for anyone - whether you've been a demonstrator before or NEVER.
WHY JOIN for just $25?
a. It's $25.00
b. $26.95 in Product & Free Shipping
c. No Obligation. You do not have to hold parties or classes - it's up to you what you do.
d. One-time 30% discount on your first qualifying order placed within first 45 days e. YOU can earn hostess benefits on your own orders.
f. Personal purchases always count toward any minimums if you decide to stay
g. Always save 20% on purchases (any purchase, any amount) for as long as you are a demonstrator. h. If you purchase (or sell) just $150 (and you are under no obligation to do so), you've already made back your $25.
i. You will still be on my mailing list and eligible to attend all of my events j. Sneak peek and ordering of new merchandise first (our next preorder is December!!) k. Chance to earn money or save money - your choice. l. ME - I would be your upline :) m. You will receive the full-color, every-other-month Stampin' Up! Magazine full of ideas!
n. For the $25 sign-up price, you enjoy the demonstrator-only website for the next 7 months, with no obligation. That's worth the $25 right there! Thousands of samples, videos and more.
o. It's $25.00!!!!!!
Need More Reasons - have questions?? Contact me - [email protected].
PLAN TO JOIN?? E-mail me by midnight tonight (October 7th) with the subject line 'I PLAN TO JOIN' and you will be entered into a drawing for any $20.00 or less stamp set in the catalog.
Must sign up by October 15th and drawing will take place October 16th. You go into the drawing as soon as you email me your demo id# ... [email protected].
OR, since it's already the 7th, go ahead and join today (see link below) and send me an e-mail that says "I JOINED YOUR TEAM" and you'll be in the drawing. So, to get into the drawing you either need to (a) e-mail me to say that you plan to join or (b) go ahead and join today (Oct. 7). One of those two things must be done today in order for you to be in the drawing.
You can be a Demonstrator in minutes! Just go to my SU! website starting today: Click on the "JOIN THE FUN" tab at www.donnas.stampinup.net . (Be sure to have your $26.95 in merchandise picked out first).
You'll have your Demonstrator ID in minutes and you can start enjoying all the benefits of being a SU! Demonstrator (and there are many benefits)!
As always, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.
P.S. It's just $25.00! What is that - six lattes at Starbucks? Stamps are way more fun and they last a lot longer!